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Phelps Helps Works With Local Employers

Phelps Helps

Phelps is looking forward to its second annual 5 à 7 event with local employers this Monday. Local business owners have been invited to attend this social event hosted at Phelps Helps to network with the Phelps Helps team, learn more about the programs we offer and learn how Phelps is able to support them as employers.

This initiative is part of the Compass Program coordinated by Jayme Marrotte and Elizabeth Courchesne. Participation in Compass, which began in 2017, benefits local youth and young adults by providing assistance in 3 key areas: supporting the transition into postsecondary education, reattachment to adult education, and finding employment in the Stanstead area. Specific examples of the work done with Compass participants include: assistance with applications to job postings, educational institutions, and financial assistance, creating CVs, interview preparation, and more.

By meeting with the employers, Phelps’ Compass coordinators are better able to assess which employment opportunities are available, understand the experience necessary for each and match a job seeker to upcoming job postings. It further allows employers to become familiar with Phelps Helps and reach out to us when they have a job to post. If you are a local employer and did not receive this invitation, please contact us at 819-704-0799 or email


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