Phelps Helps is taking an initiative over Hooked on School days to raise awareness about the importance of work-school balance. Members of our team have stopped in to visit local employers, asking them to promote this healthy balance in their workplace. Tonight, Phelps’ high school tutoring program will hold a short workshop about this topic during their usual session from 4:30-6:00. All students are welcome to attend this 20-minute discussion where methods to achieve a healthy balance between school and work will be brainstormed and discussed with our Education and Career Advisor, Elizabeth.
According to Conciliation études-travail, of the 168 hours each week, students spend approximately 30 hours in the classroom, 12 hours on homework and studying and 5 hours of transportation (realistically, this is likely up to 10 hours for students from the Stanstead area). Obtaining adequate sleep for a healthy lifestyle should make up 60 hours of a student’s weekly routine. Of the remaining 61 hours, 46 are expected to be consumed by self-care, eating, sports, recreational activities and spending time with friends and family - all things that are essential to living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Taking all of this into account, this leaves a maximum of 15 hours (or even less if you consider the added transportation needs of a student in the Stanstead area) for students to spend working.
While the recommendation is 15 hours/week for students to work, reality can be different. However, effectively balancing one’s time and paid work hours is an important factor in educational success. Hooked on School week comes to an end tomorrow, however, it is a priority for Phelps to support local students in achieving this balance throughout the year.
For students looking for a summer job, take note of our Summer Jobs workshop on March 25th, where many local employment opportunities will be revealed for the first time.
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